Thursday, July 29, 2010

Family Visits

So I'm way behind, but in June Courtney came out to visit us after she graduated from college, way to go girl!! Unfortunately, the day after Courtney bought her tickets, Jordan found out he would be gone her entire visit with what else... training. Nobody tells you about all the time they are away for training while in battalion, but I'll save that rant for another post :)

So us girls spent most of our time hanging out at the house, Courtney and I reading books during naptime. It was actually quite nice to just relax.

Courtney adored Brooklyn and was very helpful. I was able to go to the grocery store by myself and even mowed the lawn (first time in my 25 years!)

Auntie Courtney snuggling with the sleepy girl, about to go down for her nap.

My mom and sister were also able to visit at the beginning of July. The issue of mommy separation had just taken into affect before Courtney left so unfortunately they didn't get near the one on one time with Brooklyn that Courtney had. But none the less, they seemed to soak up what the could.

Looks like Brooklyn wasn't hating their attention too much ;) She loved kisses from Grandma Sherri.

And Auntie Shan was so much fun! I believe she may have even attempted a diaper change :)

We ended their trip with dinner out on my momma's birthday. It was so nice having visitors!
Next up, Toni and Travis in a week!!

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